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Glass ecosphere: the core: broken glass and epoxy resin; the crust: broken glass, silicone.

Paper ecosphere: the core: newspaper and household waste; the crust: processing scraps from a graphics industry.

Plastic ecosphere: post-consumer waste from pet bottles.

The perfect shape: the SPHERE:  is the three-dimensional shape that allows the greatest mass to be enclosed in the smallest possible volume

The perfect waste: SEPARATE. Waste, which normally represents the antithesis of perfection, i.e. the useless, when differentiated, is reborn and returns to being usable, once again becoming the raw materials of which the spheres are composed.

Sorting waste or treating them, paying attention to them, treating them with love, aware that they represent a resource to which we can give the possibility of reincarnating in new guises: perhaps more beautiful and significant than the object they represented in their previous life.

Work exhibited as part of the collective exhibition “SCARTI IN MOSTRA” Avellino, Carcere Borbonico. 10 -25 April 2010


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